

Sturgeon Public Schools is privileged to count Adelee as a partner in our relentless pursuit of Student Achievement.  Whether she is working with our Learning Coaches, teaching a master class on Understanding by Design, delivering a keynote address or mentoring new instructional leaders, Adelee models integrity, builds authentic relationships and demonstrates tremendous acuity.  She is a valued colleague and we are thankful for the opportunities we have to work with and learn from Adelee.

Mary Lynne R. Campbell ICD.D

Former Superintendent of Schools/CEO, Sturgeon Public Schools


Adelee and Elk Willow Consulting are knowledgeable about current trends and needs in education – with particular expertise in the needs of Alberta and Canadian teachers, schools and districts. They are quick to recognize and understand the needs of their school district and government clients and collaborative in the creation of customized plans for school improvement and teacher growth. Data savvy and current in educational practices, coaching and digital learning, Adelee leads a consulting organization that realizes impact for children and teachers.

Wayne Poncia

Former School and District Administrator and CEO of Hāpara

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Adelee Penner is a gifted woman whose positive attitude, intelligence and generous spirit cause her to be a dream colleague. She is downright exceptional! Her knowledge of current educational practice is vast, challenging the thinking of each colleague in every circumstance in a most respectful way. Her ability to adapt to each person’s learning style is noteworthy, demonstrating that she values the ideas of others. Her ability to move back and forth between the “big picture” and detail is a quality that is evident in her leadership practice. Adelee’s dedication to colleagues reaching their full potential in practice and in thinking makes her an ideal choice as an education consultant.

Dr. Naomi Johnson

Former Chief Superintendent, Calgary Board of Education


Adelee is a gifted educator with extraordinary talent! She is an intelligent, creative, and innovative professional whose diverse educational experience and knowledge of present trends brings a high level of expertise and credibility. Her expertise is enhanced by her collaborative, thoughtful and engaging approach, grounded by her exceptional work ethic and desire to have a positive impact on the success of others. Adelee’s passion for her work and dedication to those who serve in education makes her an excellent choice as an educational consultant.

Susan Poole

Executive Director of Learning and Innovation, Calgary Academy


There are few people whose collaborative approach, interpersonal relationship skills and coaching abilities converge at a point where growth can be maximized.  Adelee is one such person.  She is a solutions-focused and resourceful professional whose diversified professional experiences have cultivated undeniable credibility in the realm of educational leadership.  Her thoughtful and personal approach to everyone she meets endear her to many.

Ken Sampson

Superintendent of Schools, Holy Spirit Roman Catholic Separate School Division


There is no one I’d rather work with than Adelee Penner! I enjoy the privilege of collaborating with her on a variety of  projects, and I am forever impressed by the depth of her expertise, her unwavering commitment to the work, and her generosity of spirit. Adelee is an agile, intuitive thought-partner in any collaborative environment, and as a coach and professional learning facilitator she possesses an uncanny ability to “read the room” and to pivot in response to the needs of those in her care.

Tannis Niziol

Professional Learning Consultant, Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium


One of the smartest people I have ever met! Adelee is not only a brilliant mind, she is an exceptionally caring and thoughtful team member and leader. Adelee is generous in her words and thoughts and works exceptionally hard to create remarkable outcomes. Powerful human being!

Mark Bevan

Certified Executive Coach


I have had the opportunity to work with Adelee and Elk Willow Consulting in a number of different roles and environments. Our work has focused on Mental Health Literacy and knowledge implementation, especially in education settings. My consistent experience has been a positive one. Adelee is a visionary who is passionate about the work that she does, and that passion is demonstrated in everything that she does. She is always collaborative and works alongside those she partners with; never taking over, nor losing sight of what the end goal is. Her experience and expertise allows her to see what those she works with are hoping to achieve, and offers clarity and insight into the ways they can achieve those goals. She will challenge you, however it is always in a way that makes you think and opens up new ways of approaching your situation. Anyone who has met Adelee is instantly caught up in her positive energy and excitement, lending renewed optimism and energy, even in this challenging time.

Lori Roe

Private Practice at Lori L. Roe Counselling

I really appreciated the interactive nature of the workshop.  I appreciated the practical and helpful advice about preparing for transitions and supporting open, frequent communication in advance of transitions.  I am going to attend the rest of the sessions in this series.  Adelee is excellent.  She is very personable, knowledgeable and non-judgmental. 

Central Office Leader, Alberta

FASD Instructional Coaching Workshop

I really learned a lot about FASD and how to support the kids that I am working with right now.  I appreciated that I could ask questions and that Adelee was willing to problem-solve with me and follow up with me to provide extra support.  I learned a lot of tips and tricks to support success in learning that worked with my student.  I was able to use the information from the session the next day with my student.

Support Staff, Alberta

FASD Instructional Coaching Workshop

You need foundational information and understanding in order to support and rally behind your students with FASD.  Be open to learning more and do your research to understand the why.  I really am enjoying this learning series and that theory is mixed with the opportunity to practice skills and followed up with lived experiences.  I also really enjoy the way that Adelee taps into the perspectives of all of the other participants so that we can learn from and with each other.  We all share ideas.  Powerful.

Principal, Spain

FASD Instructional Coaching Workshop

The workshop really affirmed the impact of project-based learning within the classroom as a great way to engage students and really achieve depth in the learning process.  I really love the strategy of having some student choice in the project design.  

Teacher, Alberta

Project-Based Learning

The workshop really helped me understand the importance of having a public product.  I also now understand the importance of bringing in community members for authentic learning.  

Teacher, U.S.A

Project-Based Learning

I really enjoyed the small group discussion about enabling vs building capacity.  We talked a lot about listening vs fixing and our offices being safe spaces for staff.  Enjoyed Adelee’s comments on allowing staff the freedom to vent but not allowing constant venting and negativity.  I want to learn more about active listening and supporting staff to build capacity rather than trying to always fix things.

School-Based Leader, Alberta

School-Based Leadership Series

The significance of building relationships and how to build effective relationships with our communities to provide safe spaces for children.  I really learned a lot from our discussion about how to approach businesses to become involved in supporting learning communities.  Very informative session.  Thank you.

Principal, France

School-Based Leadership Series

The power of collaborative work with colleagues.  AMAZING EXPERIENCE.  I really enjoyed learning more about assessment practices from Adelee.  I really connected to the one-point rubric.  I will be revising my responses and approaches to Land Acknowledgements.  The site of resources that was shared and that we helped build is full of so many great ideas and resources.  

School-Based Leader, Alberta

Summer Curriculum Institute: A Gathering of Collaborators to Remix the Conversation About Implementation.

Adelee shared some daily routines that I realized I have been doing for years and didn’t know it.  I am going to implement exit slips.  This will help me know which children need my help earlier than just correcting their work.  I have already bought the bins that the slips will go into.  The break-out times were great.  It made me realize the importance of having other people and their thoughts helped me understand the new curriculum.  I really enjoyed getting to know new people.  

Teacher, Alberta

Summer Curriculum Institute: A Gathering of Collaborators to Remix the Conversation About Implementation.

I did not have a plan for how to tackle implement the new curriculum in my classroom.  I really appreciate the support to create a scope and sequence and long and short-range planning.  

Teacher, Alberta

Summer Curriculum Institute: A Gathering of Collaborators to Remix the Conversation About Implementation.

The sessions were organized and led really well. 😀 There was a LOT of information, balanced well with time to process and apply the concepts presented.  I have several takeaways that I want to implement into my practice:  complexity progressions using Bloom’s taxonomy, involving students more in personalized goal-setting and self-reflection, especially articulating their current situation, their challenges, their interests, and their strength…. Increased active listening to “assidere” in assessment and planning.  Thank you.  I really enjoyed this series a lot. 

Teacher, Alberta

Summer Curriculum Institute: A Gathering of Collaborators to Remix the Conversation About Implementation.

Really and truly, this course was invaluable. It helped me delve deeper into the new curriculum and helped alleviate the feelings of being overwhelmed. The links, books, ideas and resources presented were relevant and useful. The presenters were approachable, friendly and built upon one another’s strengths/knowledge. They all brought something different to the course and worked well together in presenting different perspectives/background knowledge. There was time to plan and collaborate. However, the breakout rooms took a while to get rolling, as they often do, and they weren’t as useful as the info provided in the session (but this was minor in the big picture). Overall, the course was excellent and I am very grateful. Thank you!

Teacher, Alberta

Summer Curriculum Institute: A Gathering of Collaborators to Remix the Conversation About Implementation.

Fabulous Week.  Super Learning Opportunity.

Teacher, Alberta

Summer Curriculum Institute: A Gathering of Collaborators to Remix the Conversation About Implementation.

We will be back for more.  Really appreciated the balance of time to learn and time to apply in planning sessions.  Taking away the T.A.G acronym and the use of One-Point Rubrics.  Thanks for the time and effort that went into preparing for this week.  It was organised to meet multiple interests, needs and topics.

Central Office Based Leader, Mexico

New Curriculum and Implementation

Clustering curriculum. There were so many strategies shared that many reminded me of good practice and had me look at the strategies through the lens of new curriculum implementation. Strategies to organize the curriculum, embedding Indigenous perspectives, and UBD planning for a year plan/unit plan (review). The time I spent was extremely valuable and helpful. It allowed me the time necessary to dig into the curriculum and have support while I did it. Having someone pop into the breakout rooms to answer questions was key. Adelee is knowledgeable and engaging and time with her was greatly appreciated. 

Central Office-Based Leader, United Arab Emirates

New Curriculum and Implementation

Great reminder of the importance of having a mindfulness practice with my students and for me.  How to educate staff to look at students through a trauma-informed lens.  I really appreciate the suggestions on how to present to staff and to model the way for them.  Adelee is amazing.  She is knowledgeable and engaging. 

School-Based Leader, India

Central Office-Based Leader, United Arab Emirates

Trauma-Informed Educator

Thoroughly enjoyed this presentation.  Great reminder of the power of relationships and that every child needs a champion at school.  Learning vs Surviving Brain.  

Behavioural Consultant, Alberta

Trauma-Informed Educator

I use and will definitely continue to do guided imagery (time in the day to do yoga, deep breathing and use my imagination)  I really appreciated learning about 5 finger breaths, staff care and self-care. I really enjoyed this session - wish it would have been longer.

Teacher,  Alberta

Trauma-Informed Educator

Self-care is just as important for educators as it is for students.  Understanding trauma better with allow me to support students more holistically.  I really enjoyed learning more strategies to center teachers and students, breathing exercises, emotion colour wheel etc…  We need more acknowledgement of the trauma that has impacted teachers and students in the last two year.

Head of Schools, England

Trauma-Informed Educator

Excellent Presentation.  Great reminder for me to incorporate self-regulation strategies into the classroom, as well as focus on relationships first.  A couple of ideas that I plan to implement right away are providing clear instructions ahead of time, as well as setting up the classroom to reflect individual needs such as flexible seating, and low lighting (environmental factors that contribute to learning).  I really appreciated learning more about assessment, especially with students experiencing trauma. Great ideas for properly assessing what students know.  

Principal, British Columbia

Trauma-Informed Educator

Well presented.  My takeaways: the importance of creating connection and a safe space for kids.  Remembering to take care of m in the process.  Practicing more mindfulness techniques for both kids and me in the classroom.  I learning a deeper understanding of attachment theory and how to work most effectively with each style.

Principal, U.S.A

Trauma-Informed Educator

Educators need to remain balanced, and calm and listen to children as we may not understand their personal experiences or what happens to them at home before and after school. It was a good reminder about personal backgrounds and a reminder to not judge children based on their experiences or parental choices. I’ve already been incorporating more mindfulness breaks into my classroom and am working towards building connections with students who are struggling.

Teacher, Germany

Trauma-Informed Educator

This session was eye opening.  Thank you.  I can take and use strategies for traumatized children in my classroom tomorrow.  Great information and conversation about what a child’s behaviour is communicating to their teachers.  Appreciate the validation that trauma impacts behaviour and learning.

Teacher, Ontario

Trauma-Informed Educator

This was a valuable, insightful PD session and I appreciate the opportunity to be a part of it.  BE MAMMA ELEPHANTS. Everyone’s story matters. 

Principal, New Brunswick

Trauma-Informed Educator

Get to know your student’s history.  It is so important.

Teacher, Kainai First Nation

Trauma-Informed Educator

Thank you for helping us to plan an implement Mental Health Literacy into our school system.  Getting teacher buy-in was the key to our success.  Thanks for not just addressing one or two issues but covering the breadth of them and/or discussing what good mental health looks like instead of discussing challenges.  Thank you so much for working with us.

Superintendent, Alberta

Mental Health Literacy Implementation

It was really helpful - Thank you.  I enjoyed hearing ideas of how to implement this in our schools.  I really enjoyed the ideas of how to “reboot” when some is already in place - liked the adult learning curve information.  We are thankful for the resources that you shared with us and for connecting us with other schools.  

Director General, Costa Rica

Mental Health Literacy Implementation

Thank you for providing a deeper understanding of the different mental health diagnosis and supports available for leaders in schools.  

Directorate of Education, Bangladesh

Mental Health Literacy Implementation

Adelee is a wonderful presenter.  I really felt that you tried really haver to make connections with everyone in the room.  You gave us a lot to think about: Meaningful instruction and assessments (ie. Can students answer the question "What are you learning? Why??" as opposed to "I'm doing this worksheet so I can be done this worksheet." Modelling that mistakes and errors are opportunities for learning - because it's not about getting "the right answer". It's about learning how to think. Supporting teachers to really implement the UbD framework, starting with the end in mind. (Identify desired results, determine acceptable evidence, then plan learning experiences and instruction) Using podcasts as performance-based assessment! So many opportunities to be had.

Director of Learning, Alberta

Performance Based Assessment

Thank you!  I was definitely inspired by everything I’ve learning.  I love the pace and they way that Adelee leads the session. Thank you for the reminder about the importance of going back to the driving question in different stages of the project journey and how protocols give structure to the project experience.  We will come back to learn more about using Project Walls.

Director of Learning, Alberta

Essential Teaching Practices to Support Project Based Learning - PBL

Adelee was very well prepared and adept at using technology to allow participation despite group size.  VERY well done. 

Principal, Jamaica

PD with Adelee is always fantastic.  Some of my favourite comments from Adelee are:  “Connections before Corriculum”.  “If commpassioin doesn’t include yourself, it is incomplete.”  “Self care has to happen both at work and home.  Not just outside of work time.” “Behaviour is Communication.”

Headmaster, Scotland

Great engaging learning sessions.  My staff always learns a lot about how work towards student achievement and teaching practices.

Director, Greece

Thank you.  Great support to learn how to intentionally connect with my students and many ideas to personalize their learning.

Teacher, South Africa

Very professional and valuable sessions.  We are changed and empowered through spending time with you. Adelee, you are outstanding.

Superintendent, Alberta

The whole school needs to be onboard. We CAN help all kids. Relationships are key. Kids need to know they are safe before pushing the education piece. Give them the time and space without (us) feeling the pressure to educate asap. What to do when a coworker dislikes any kids who aren't "average", doesn't hide their bias and creates an unsafe space. I firmly believe that this type of class must be mandatory for all teachers, EAs, Admin etc. The ones who wouldn't chose to take it are the ones who need it most.

Superintendent, Alberta

Thank you for helping us to unlock the visible learning potential of our learning management tools.  Thank you for helping to  leverage the tools that we have invested a lot of money into.   

Superintendent, Alberta

Thank you for helping us to create a model for our stakeholder engagement work.  The communication and collaboration that we have created is much more meaningful and helpful to our practice.

Superintendent, Alberta

You gave us a lot to think about.  Thank you for helping us to create a team that meets weekly to plan for mental health needs at our school.  Thank you for helping us to find a clear path and giving us many ideas to help our staff, families and students that we can implement right away.

Secondary Principal, Vietnam

Thank you for providing leaders with opportunities to connect during the pandemic.

U.S.A., Canada, Thailand, Japan, U.K.

Keep pushing for mental health supports in our schools.  Thank you.

Principal, China

Thank you for training us in Mental Health Literacy. 

Principal, Cambodia

Thank you for helping us create a whole school approach to support mental health, as well as providing seamless integration though literacy sessions.  Your knowledge of materials that are available is amazing.  Thank you for helping us adapt them to support our unique community context.

Principal, Ukraine

Thank you for the Mental Health Literacy Training.

Superintendent, Portugal

So helpful to be able to consult about how to build a Mental Health Strategic Plan with someone who has been through the process.

Superintendent, Ontario

Sessions with you always go by too quickly……

Teacher, Alberta

Sessions with you always go by too quickly……

Teacher, Alberta

I look forward to presenting to our School Leadership this week.  Thank you for working with me to create a model for how I present this challenging topic.  I am looking forward to using technology to engage our staff – thank you.  

Assistant Superintendent, Alberta 

I appreciate that you are always so engaging and very open to answering questions and catering each session to our specific needs.  Our staff appreciates the amount of resources and research that you share when you spend time with us.  We get feedback from our staff each time that they appreciate how you help us delve deeper into how we can operationalize the work/topic into our classrooms.

Superintendent, Alberta

I appreciate that you are always so engaging and very open to answering questions and catering each session to our specific needs.  Our staff appreciates the amount of resources and research that you share when you spend time with us.  We get feedback from our staff each time that they appreciate how you help us delve deeper into how we can operationalize the work/topic into our classrooms.

Superintendent, Alberta

Thank you so much for balancing sharing research and best practice alongside professional collaboration, modeling what happens in an effective a PLC time! The time spent validating teacher expertise, asking for their feedback on their work, a video example of work, and each other's work was exciting.

Thank you for differentiating (offering extra time) to our teachers and for sharing the slides.

Supervisor of Curriculum, Alberta

90% of participants found the information presented relevant to their professional growth.

95% of participants said that they were provided strategies that they could use right away in their current role.

85% of participants indicated that they felt that the session would help them to better support their learning community.

Edmonton Public Schools Keynote

Stay focussed on one thing at a time

Edmonton Public Schools Keynote General Comments & Takeaways

Really appreciated all the strategies that were shared to help students think about their learning and work on skills. 

Edmonton Public Schools Keynote General Comments & Takeaways

Adelee’s quote:” When is the last time you did something for the first time?” really sat with me.  I will be keeping these words close to me and try to live my best life each and every day.

Edmonton Public Schools Keynote General Comments & Takeaways

I really felt validated by the reframing of practice suggestions for a post-lockdown classroom.  It really stood out to me how impactful Covid-19 was on student development.  I have had to explain “turn and talk” to my grade two students. 

Edmonton Public Schools Keynote General Comments & Takeaways

How to further implement guided relaxation practices into my classroom.

I really liked the concept of equanimity.  Focusing on what you can effect.

Edmonton Public Schools Keynote General Comments & Takeaways

I really appreciated learning more about one-point rubrics. 

Edmonton Public Schools Keynote General Comments & Takeaways

She is a lovely presenter.

Edmonton Public Schools Keynote General Comments & Takeaways

This talk really helped me to consider how I need to focus on one thing at a time rather than multi-task and also how to chunk the learning into manageable steps.

Edmonton Public Schools Keynote General Comments & Takeaways

Less multitasking and more focused tasks are productive.

Edmonton Public Schools Keynote General Comments & Takeaways

Mindfulness awareness that I can use to help support my students and enhance my own teaching practice.

Edmonton Public Schools Keynote General Comments & Takeaways

Mindfulness can help me in my thought process regarding anti-racism.

Edmonton Public Schools Keynote General Comments & Takeaways

Mindfulness can help me in my thought process regarding anti-racism.

Edmonton Public Schools Keynote General Comments & Takeaways

Setting up timers, I liked her suggestions for mindfulness, I will try them in my classroom.

Edmonton Public Schools Keynote General Comments & Takeaways

that multi-tasking isn't multi-tasking and to be more present

Edmonton Public Schools Keynote General Comments & Takeaways

Thinking before speaking to students...making sure I show I truly care for them

Edmonton Public Schools Keynote General Comments & Takeaways

Time and structure help facilitate being mindful in the task/learning in the present time.

Edmonton Public Schools Keynote General Comments & Takeaways

To set a daily routine in the classroom. This way students will know what to expect and know what is expected of them.

Edmonton Public Schools Keynote General Comments & Takeaways

We are all learning together.

Edmonton Public Schools Keynote General Comments & Takeaways